Overview of Classes
Classes are held in Canberra by the
RSCDS Canberra and District Branch ('the Branch'), the
Scottish Country Dance Club of Canberra (SCDCC) ('the Club'), and U3A-ACT ('U3A').
Classes are held weekly except when notified otherwise.
Please check Calendar and Events for class dates and cancellations.
Branch classes:
Regular class - every Wednesday 7.30-9.30pm information
Gentle Dancers' class - every Friday 2.00-4.00pm information
SCD introductory classes - every Wednesday 6:15 - 7:15pm information
For new or inexperienced dancers, this class introduces the steps and formations found in many Scottish country dances.
They may be familiar to people who have had the enjoyment of joining in a Scottish ceilidh
These classes are held at St Andrew's Church Hall, 1 State Circle, Forrest.
See Branch classes for further details.
Club classes:
Black Mountain Reelers class - Tuesdays 12.15-2.00pm information
Nae Bother Thursday - second Thursday of the month, February to November, 7.30-9.30pm information
These classes are held at the North Canberra Baptist Church, 17 Condamine Street, Turner.
U3A Scottish Country Dance class
Thursday 10.00am -noon U3A SCD class
At the North Canberra Baptist Church, 17 Condamine Street, Turner.